Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Technological Advances and Netiquette

When you watch videos in YouTube or read an article online, have you ever read through the comments left by readers at the bottom? How ethical are these comments? Are they appropriate to be on a webpage which is frequented by youngsters?

What about the comments on social networking sites or the language people are using nowadays to express themselves in public? It is becoming a trend to be more casual in expressing their opinions, and many people openly show their frustrations towards another person who might have a different opinion from theirs. This brings us to a very prominent question nowadays: Is online media a bad influence to youngsters? How do they use the information online wisely and ethically? 

As a matter of fact, it is not just the youngsters we are concerned about. How many matured adults using the World Wide Web know proper netiquette? With new technologies such as the iPhone and other smart phones, access to cyberspace is at our fingertips...Literally. 

With these kind of technological advances, it is really important that we keep up proper netiquette and educate others about it as well. Check out the video below. It is a simple way to tell others to mind their manners online. 

Blogger facts-
"Did you know that 13% of students in Singapore experience cyber bullying?" Cyber bullying is just one of the many bad ettiquettes on the rise amongst youngsters.